I last wrote here in October...man i really do suck at this.

SO in the past 6 months I have made some major changes in my life...I have become vegetarian. It was sort of a long time coming I guess..just finally got up the need to actually do it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to deal with missing some meat..but honestly haven't missed it one bit.
I also recently gave up my biggest addiction since I was a smoker, and stopped drinking soda. I was a die hard core coke zero addict..but gave it up because I am on a quest to remove as much artificial crap from my and the monsters diets as possible. Still missing the lovely bubbly chemical goodness..but that will pass...right?
Our home has added a few new occupants, as the nephew, his girlfriend and her daughter (henceforth known as Monkey) moved in with us. This has its good and bad points...and it does indeed make for a crazy household with the 2 twin monsters and another toddler (the Monkey) tossed into the mix. I feel some days like I have 7 kids...at least most of them are potty trained.
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